... /usr/local/tom/ttpl/ex/hello.t1.1
The actual filename can be different on your site. As with all filenames mentioned on these pages, contact your local wizard in case of problems.
... line1.2
If you experience problems, such as a `Command not found', the environment variable PATH does not contain the directory where gi resides. Ask you local wizard which directory that is, and add it to the PATH. When installed out of the box, gi resides in /usr/local/tom/bin.
... executable1.3
It is possible that some extra flags are needed when linking, again depending on your site. Ask your local wizard for details. For example, on Linux you'll need to add -ldl, on HP/UX add -ldld, and on NeXSTEP add nothing.
... makefiles1.4
The TOM makefiles are part of the TOM distribution.
... line1.5
Or the equivalent rune needed to invoke GNU make, such as possibly, gmake or gnumake.
... `a'2.1
Most of the Western world knows that ASCII and the 8 bit ISO character encodings have their limitations. In future versions of TOM, the character and string constants will deploy 16 bit Unicode characters. This is the reason for the 16 bit type to be called char. In addition, most of the non-Western world knows that even Unicode doesn't cover everything...
... NO2.2
The values TRUE and FALSE are not part of the language; they are predefined constants equivalent to !0 and !TRUE, respectively.
... operator2.3
The `etc' in table 2.3 stand for all modifying assignment operators. These have the same priority and associativity as the assignment operator ` ='. They are are *=, /=, %=, +=, -=, <<=, >>=, >>>=, &=, |=, =, &&=, and ||=. For example, a *= b is identical to the assignment a = a * b.
... example2.4
The body of every method is enclosed in braces and thus a compound expression. The value of this expression is ignored however, since a return mechanism is used that provides much desired functionality.
... develop4.1
And debug, test, document, etc.
... unusual4.2
Except in the case of initializers, where the designated initializer of the subclass invokes the designated initializer of the superclass. Though actually different these methods are conceptually identical.
... type4.3
This excludes those instance variables introduced by State, most notably isa, which is a reference to the object's class.
... run-time4.4
A limitation of the current runtime library is that adding instance variables at run time to a class of which instances have been allocated is not possible.
Pieter J. Schoenmakers tiggr at gerbil.org