The IntegerRangeSet is good at holding ranges of integers. Ranges are stored in an unbalanced tree. The number of ranges dictates the memory usage by the set. Testing for membership is O(log n) where n is the number of ranges.
State supers: State, Enumerable
The root of the tree holding information.
boolean add int v; |
Add v to the receiving set. Return FALSE if it was already present; TRUE otherwise.
boolean equal id other; |
boolean equalIntegerRangeSetNode IntegerRangeSetNode other; |
id intersectionWith id other; |
Return a new set being the intersection of the receiving set and the other set.
boolean isSubsetOf id other; |
Return YES if the receiving set is a subset of the other set.
(boolean, int) (non_empty, value) highestPresent; |
Return the highest value present in the set.
(boolean, int) (non_empty, value) lowestPresent; |
Return the lowest value present in the set.
boolean member int v; |
Return TRUE iff the set contains v.
int nextNonPresent int i; |
Return the smallest element >= i that is not yet in the set.
(boolean, int) nextPresent int i; |
Return the smallest element > i that is contained in the tree, preceded by whether such an element actually is in the tree.
int previousNonPresent int i; |
Return the largest element <= i that is not yet in the set.
(boolean, int) previousPresent int i; |
Return the largest element <= i that is in the set.
boolean (b) remove int v; |
Remove v from the set, returning TRUE if it was actually contained.
void shiftFrom int i; |
Increase the value of all elements in the tree >= i by one.
(boolean, int) smallestElement; |
Return the smallest value contained, preceded by whether we're not empty.
void uniteWith id other; |
Modify the receiving set by adding the elements from the other set.
OutputStream write OutputStream s; |
Enumerator enumerator; |
protected id initWithEnumerator Enumerator e; |
State supers: State
The left and right subtrees.
The offset from our parent.
The number of integers in this node.
boolean add int v; |
Add v to the tree rooted at the receiving node. Return FALSE if it was already present; TRUE otherwise.
boolean equalIntegerRangeSetNode id other; |
id init (int, int) (o, s); |
Designated initializer.
Return the highest value present in the set.
Return the lowest value present in the set.
boolean member int v; |
Return TRUE iff the set contains v.
int nextNonPresent int i; |
Return the smallest element >= i that is not yet in the tree.
(boolean, int) nextPresent int i; |
Return the smallest element > i that is contained in the tree, preceded by whether such an element actually is in the tree.
int previousNonPresent int i; |
Return the largest element <= i that is not yet in the tree.
(boolean, int) previousPresent int i; |
Return the largest element in the tree which is smaller than i.
(id, boolean) remove int v; |
Remove v from the receiving tree, returning the modified tree, and TRUE if it was actually removed.
void shiftFrom int i; |
Increase the value of all elements in the tree >= i by one.
Return the smallest value contained.
OutputStream write OutputStream s offset int i; |
protected (id, id, int, int) dissect; |
Return the guts of this object.
protected (id, int) mergeLRL int v; |
Merge the subtree rooted at this node, to accomodate the value v, returning the modified tree and the extra size for our parent node. Our parent actually holds the value v (as the first value).
protected (id, int) mergeRLL int v; |
Merge the subtree rooted at this node, to accomodate the value v, returning the modified tree and the extra size for our parent node. Our parent actually holds the value v (as the last value).
protected void offset int n; |
Adjust the offset by n.
protected void set_right id n; |
Set the right node.
protected void setRightMost id r; |
Set the right most node of the receiving tree to r.
State supers: State, Enumerator
The root of the tree of nodes.
The previous integer value retrieved.
id init IntegerRangeSetNode r; |
(boolean, Number) next; |
(boolean, int) (valid, value) next; |