A ByteString is a String and a ByteArray, which can do all kinds of nice string-like things.
Requesting a substring of a ByteString results in a ByteSubstring to be returned. This will mimic a ByteString as much as possible, including hashing, equality, uniquing, printing, copying, etc, but they do not share a common superclass between String and ByteString.
In the future, the ByteString instance actual functionality could be put into a ByteFullstring, enabling the ByteSubstring to actually become a subclass of ByteString...
State supers: ByteArray, String, C, Constants
The default character encoding for ByteString instances.
Never refer this variable directly; always ask the string (even if it is self) for its encoding. A normal ByteString will then return this default_encoding.
OutputStream help OutputStream s done MutableKeyed done; |
Output information on the ByteString unit arguments.
void load MutableArray arguments; |
Set the default byte encoding. If it is not specified on the command line, iso-8859-1 will be used.
Before this method is invoked by the runtime library, the default_encoding will be a USASCIIEncoding.
void switchToEncoding String name; |
Switch to the encoding with the name, moaning if it fails (without changing the current encoding).
char at int index; |
Return the Unicode character for the byte at index.
(pointer, int) byteStringContents; |
boolean equal String other; |
int hashRange (int, int) (start, len); |
boolean equalByteString ByteString other; |
boolean equalCharString CharString other; |
boolean equalUniqueString UniqueString other; |
protected id (self) init (pointer, int) (p, num); |
Initialize the newly allocated instance with the num bytes at p. The receiving instance will `own' the memory at p.
id (self) initCopy (pointer, int) (p, num); |
Initialize the newly allocated instance with a copy of the num bytes at p.
MutableByteString mutableSubstring (int, int) (start, len); |
Return a new instance of the receiver's mutableCopyClass, initialized with a substring from the receiver's range (start, len).
String substring (int, int) (start, len); |
UniqueByteString uniqueString; |
OutputStream write OutputStream s; |
class (State) mutableCopyClass; |
Return the MutableByteString class.
CharacterEncoding encoding; |
Return the encoding of the receiving ByteString. The default implementation returns the default_encoding.
String stringByDecoding String encoding_name; |
String stringByDemapping CharArray demap; |
boolean isAlpha byte b; |
Return TRUE the character denoted by the byte b in the encoding of the receiving string is a letter.
boolean isDigit byte b; |
Return TRUE the character denoted by the byte b in the encoding of the receiving string is a digit.
boolean isLower byte b; |
Return TRUE the character denoted by the byte b in the encoding of the receiving string is a lowercase letter.
boolean isPunct byte b; |
Return TRUE the character denoted by the byte b in the encoding of the receiving string is a punctuation character.
boolean isSpace byte b; |
Return TRUE the character denoted by the byte b in the encoding of the receiving string is a space character.
boolean isUpper byte b; |
Return TRUE the character denoted by the byte b in the encoding of the receiving string is a uppercase letter.
byte toLower byte b; |
Return the lower-case version of the byte b, according to the encoding of the receiving string. If the character is not in upper-case, it is returned unharmed.
byte toUpper byte b; |
Return the upper-case equivalent of the byte b, according to the encoding of the receiving string. If the character is not in lower-case, it is returned unharmed.
int digitValue byte b; |
Return the value equivalent of the byte b, for which this string should return TRUE when asked isDigit.
int alphaValue byte b; |
Return the index of the letter b relative to the start of its letter range. Thus, 'a' returns 0, 'f' returns 5, etc.
This version of downcase overrides the implementation by String, since this one is faster due to avoiding the unnecessary conversion to/from Unicode.
Like downcase, this just is a faster implementation than the one provided by String.